I've been following the news on the last three days, still i can't believe to see what happened in Mumbai India. A bloody attacks that killed more than a hundred of people and left 300 people wounded. It's really thrilling me how this heinous attacks could happen again. But what make me sad is Muslim is being said and being suspected to be the perpetrators. I am really worried about it that it will be the start of the next and extensive the "war on teror" which is targeted Muslims all around the world.
As we know that the idea "the war in terror" which is campaigned by US and its allies since 9/11 attacks now become more and more unpopuler, as the world community finally realize that "the war on terror" campaign was purposely used to justify a unilateral aggression to other countries especially Muslim countries and it caused many problems to humanity, Muslim in particular.
Muslim scholars, politicians and organization's explanation that Islam gives an immense importance to a human life and doesn't allow any group or individual to kill innocent Muslims or non-Muslims in retaliation seems useless as the mind-set the majority of people across the globe is being shaped by mass media or anti-Muslim comments from some of the world's public figures.
I don't know where the tragedy in Mumbai will end, but i do hope people will think more clearly for not being trapped again in "the war on terror" the idea in which emerges other terrorism. Enough is enough. I do agree the perpetrators of the attacks must be punished but let's think what the roots of the violent attacks and find a fair solutions to solve the problems peacefully.
last but not least, let me extend my sympathies and condolences to all the bereaved in Mumbai tragedy.
biasanya kalo udah ada kata2 terorist.
ReplyDeletewe all know to whom this addressed.
not fair.!
dan kesedihan ini ada menjadi kesedihan kita juga.
ada apalagii siih yah....
ReplyDeletemasya Allah diana, masa gak tahu, noh di Mumbai dah kayak perang bo....
ReplyDeleteikut bela sungkawa juga untuk tragedi kemanusiaan di Mumbai.......
ReplyDeleteK'lo menurutku sih ulah kolonialime baru.......pecah belah negara, bangsa, agama untuk kemakmuran anak cucunya
tambah prihatin kalo kasusnya sudah seperti ini ... but that's the reality
ReplyDeleteYach kami turut berduka cita...
ReplyDeletememang PEACE itu easy to say hard to be done
sure, it is ...
ReplyDeleteSic vis pacem para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war :(
ReplyDeleteDalam diskusi kmrn di HI Unpad, saya menemukan pengetahuan baru, ttg aliran realisme dlm memandang relasi internasional.. dan agaknya ini berkembang di jurusan HI...saya blm mengeksplorasi lbh jauh..cuma indikasinya (dari tanggapan bbrp mhsw HI ttg masalah Palestina) memperlihatkan bhw ada banyak org yg melihat konflik pada tataran real.. tidak berusaha melihat ke akarnya.. dan rupanya ini sudah jadi ‘isme’ yg sangat luas dipakai di studi internasional...
ReplyDeleteJangan lupa, pemerintah India jg punya sejarah panjang dlm pembantaian umat islam di Punjab dan Khasmir, hanya tdk terexpose media.
ReplyDeletePerlu diwaspadai jg adanya konspirasi para produsen senjata utk memelihara kekacauan di daerah ini.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for sharing this.
Please put yourself in my shoes and then again see the horrifying incident.
I do believe that the cause of all these war on terror or terrorism is The U.S. particularly CIA.
They spend billions of dollar to fight against Soviet Union. The key in order to succeed war was extreme muslim. They paid them money and gave them gun and made them believed that they will go to Janna if you being killed in War field. They did what they were thought but now they seek for kafeer. They still have the same extreme beliefs while there is no Soviet.
So what happen, they are like a snake which want to bite all the time and they will bite until unknown time.
Just Allah guide them into peace.
it is so sad when we see all this violence, so many innocent people suffering.Peace can happen if humans put aside their own wish to gain power in this world and remember the one in power is the Almighty.Just look at Hajj, it is an example of peace and harmony.
ReplyDeleteIf you ponder for a while over the main reason behind that harmony among pilgrims, your heart will tell you that it is because those people gather to declare their total submission to the Creator of the universe.
The heavenly atmosphere surrounding the gathering of pilgrims gives hope to humanity that all humans can unite despite their differences. They can live together in peace despite their conflicting interests. They can love one another despite their different needs.So why can't we do that every day of the year?? -->
Innalillahi... turut berbela sungkawa atas musibah kemanusian di Mumbai Mbak ...benar-benar biadab dan tak berperikemanusiaan
ReplyDeleteit makes me sick ....bro :(
ReplyDeletesepertinya ada upaya untuk makin mengaburkan berbagai akar persoalan konflik yang terjadi di berbagai negara, untuk melanggengkan penindasan sebuah bangsa terhadap bangsa lain .... prihatin ....
ReplyDeletekekejaman India di Kashmir memang tak terbantahkan li, soal bisnis senjata yang berkepentingan untuk terus memelihara konflik agar dagangannya laku, lagi-lagi sudah jelas negara-negara mana yang punya dagangan senjata ....:)
ReplyDeleteVery sad indeed. May Allah guide us all. Ameen
ReplyDeletethat's why i said that we have to look into the roots of 'terrorism' itself. There must be a reason when people did something very bad like violent actions ...
ReplyDeleteunfortunately ... not all people think the way you are thinking sis .... and the teaching of hajj is only in Islam ...
ReplyDeleteiya tau, maksudnya mo adapalagi yah...gituh kok yah serem bgt siih...pertanda apa? kiamat gitu kali yah...