Selasa, 30 Desember 2008, pukul 13.30
Sebuah sms dari temenku Lia masuk. Isinya;
"Assalamu'alaikum wr wb Lena. Masih mantau Gaza kan. Begitu tiba di kantor pagi ini, buka Era, tulisan mahasiswa Ind (Indonesia) di Al-Azhar yang berjudul WANITA2 PERMATA DAN GENOSIDA di GAZA langs sukses mengalirkan air mataku menyapa pagi. Tulisan yang sangat menyentuh relung kalbu. Gimana, dah siap jadi permata itu sahabatku???"
Saya tersenyum membaca sms sahabat saya, yang semalam menjadi tempat 'curhat' kegalauan hati saya melihat situasi menyedihkan di Jalur Gaza. Sama seperti Lia, perasaan saya campur aduk ketika membaca artikel berjudul "Wanita-Wanita Permata dan Genosida di Gaza" yang dimuat Eramuslim hari ini (klik disini). Antara terharu, sedih, sampai menghibur diri sendiri.
Saya bukannya tidak tahu betapa tangguhnya para ibu di Palestina. Beberapa tamu dari Palestina yang sempat bertandang ke kantor saya sering bercerita peran para perempuan dan ibu-ibu di Palestina dalam perjuangan melawan penjajahan Zionis Israel. Ada diantara mereka yang bahkan membantu para pejuang Palestina membuat roket-roket di dapur-dapur mereka. Sebagian besar para ibu di Palestina, mengikhlaskan putera-puteri mereka saat berangkat ke sekolah karena sering terjadi anak-anak mereka pulang hanya tinggal jasadnya saja akibat tembakan peluru tentara-tentara Zionis Israel. Para ibu di Palestina rela melahirkan anak-anaknya untuk dipersembahkan untuk tanah air mereka.
Saya menjawab sms sahabat saya itu dengan jawaban pendek, "Harus siap Lia" sambil menghela nafas panjang dan berdoa dalam hati, "Ya Allah, seandainya aku tidak bisa mempersembahkan seorang anak pun untuk menjadi pejuangMu. Berilah hamba petunjuk agar tetap bisa menjadi salah satu dari wanita-wanita permata itu."
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Gloomy Islamic New Year
All Muslim around the world should be very happy today, as we are all celebrating Islamic New Year 1430 Hijriah. A time when we recall the spirit of Hijrah of Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him) from Makkah to Madinah and build Islam civiliation in Madinah, The City of Lights. I know there is no special religious ceremony in Islam to mark New Year. But since we use the Hijriah calender it is good for us to remind the significance and the deep meaning of hijrah in time we live now.
Hijrah in Arabic means "to leave, to move, to shun, to quit" for an intentional transfer of residende. Hijrah is more meaningful as Quran explain hijrah "leaving a wrong condition and moving to a better condition, even though it may involved difficulties." There are moral values which we can learn from the Hijrah of Rasulullah. It teaches us that wherever Muslims go, we should work to bring goodness to the land and its society.
So let me say, "Happy Islamic New Year. Keep the spirit of Hijrah flaring up in our heart and give us strenght to move to be a better Muslim."
But this year, all Muslim celebrate their new year with sadness and with a deep concern as we see the massacre in Gaza Strip. Israel Zionists has been brutally bombarding the Gaza Strip that caused more than 300 Palestinian Muslims fell in syahid and more that 800 other wounded (the figures when i write this post). A chicken coward Israel slaughtering the people of Gaza which is in humanity crisis under Israel's blockade more than a year.
It really broke my heart to see what happened in Gaza Strip, to see the brutallity and cruelty of Israel Zionists againts the Gazans. I live thousand miles away from Gaza but i can feel their sufferings all this time under Zionist threats and occupation. I hate and am angry with Arab countries and United Nation who do nothing to stop Israel's atrocities. I feel like throwing a nuclear-head shoes some United States' leaders who support Israel and blame Hamas for the tragedy in Gaza. How can a country claimed itself as democratic country and respect human rights allow Israel's agression to other country, Palestine and let Israel killed hundreds innocent people in Gaza. Now we are seeing US democratic hypocrisy.
All my dear friends, we might only be able to show our deep sympathy, grief and sorrow to our brothers and sisters in Gaza Strip. If we can't lend them a hand then we can say a little prayer every time, every minutes for them and avoid ourselves from every US products who support Israel. I believe that Allah swt will protect Palestinians and with the help of Allah, Palestinians will get victory and the Zionists will come to end.
Let's make this Islamic New Year a momentum to take hijrah seriously in all its aspects and dimensions, including to stand a firm defending Muslim rights and helping our sisters and brothers in Palestine or in every places around the world which are still under some criminal power.
Hijrah in Arabic means "to leave, to move, to shun, to quit" for an intentional transfer of residende. Hijrah is more meaningful as Quran explain hijrah "leaving a wrong condition and moving to a better condition, even though it may involved difficulties." There are moral values which we can learn from the Hijrah of Rasulullah. It teaches us that wherever Muslims go, we should work to bring goodness to the land and its society.
So let me say, "Happy Islamic New Year. Keep the spirit of Hijrah flaring up in our heart and give us strenght to move to be a better Muslim."
But this year, all Muslim celebrate their new year with sadness and with a deep concern as we see the massacre in Gaza Strip. Israel Zionists has been brutally bombarding the Gaza Strip that caused more than 300 Palestinian Muslims fell in syahid and more that 800 other wounded (the figures when i write this post). A chicken coward Israel slaughtering the people of Gaza which is in humanity crisis under Israel's blockade more than a year.
It really broke my heart to see what happened in Gaza Strip, to see the brutallity and cruelty of Israel Zionists againts the Gazans. I live thousand miles away from Gaza but i can feel their sufferings all this time under Zionist threats and occupation. I hate and am angry with Arab countries and United Nation who do nothing to stop Israel's atrocities. I feel like throwing a nuclear-head shoes some United States' leaders who support Israel and blame Hamas for the tragedy in Gaza. How can a country claimed itself as democratic country and respect human rights allow Israel's agression to other country, Palestine and let Israel killed hundreds innocent people in Gaza. Now we are seeing US democratic hypocrisy.
All my dear friends, we might only be able to show our deep sympathy, grief and sorrow to our brothers and sisters in Gaza Strip. If we can't lend them a hand then we can say a little prayer every time, every minutes for them and avoid ourselves from every US products who support Israel. I believe that Allah swt will protect Palestinians and with the help of Allah, Palestinians will get victory and the Zionists will come to end.
Let's make this Islamic New Year a momentum to take hijrah seriously in all its aspects and dimensions, including to stand a firm defending Muslim rights and helping our sisters and brothers in Palestine or in every places around the world which are still under some criminal power.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Satirical "Happy New Shoe"
i found the cartoon above in Internasional Middle East Media Center website. This cartoon was made by Majed Badra, a well-known Palestinian cartoonist. I don't know what's on your mind about this cartoon but i think it's quite funny and satirical.
About Majed Badra:
He is a well-known Palestinian cartoonist, provides daily cartoons to various news and media outlets. He was presented with many achievement awards by Palestinian, Arab and Muslim organizations. Badra's cartoons focus on the daily life of Palestinian people and their suffering under Israeli occupation.
U can meet him at
[Pajak] Pilihan Terburuk
dengan setengah hati, dengan sangat amat terpaksa akhirnya mengizinkan bagian pajak mengurus npwp saya. persoalannya, bukan karena gaji saya bakal dipotong untuk membayar pajak itu tapi sebagai warga negara saya merasa tidak pernah mendapatkan transparansi tentang penggunaan pajak-pajak yang dipungut pemerintah dari rakyatnya. Berapa jumlahnya setiap tahun, alokasinya untuk apa saja, berapa besar kebocorannya dan siapa yang harus bertanggung jawab atas kebocoran uang rakyat itu.
sebelumnya, manajemen memang sudah melakukan sosialisasi tentang 'penting'nya npwp, sosialisasi yang menjadi perdebatan panas dan seru. sampe tercetus pernyataan dari seorang teman bahwa pungutan pajak di Indonesia cenderung sebagai bentuk pemerasan negara pada rakyatnya. karena faktanya, mayoritas rakyat tidak menikmati banyak manfaat dari pajak-pajak yang dibayarkannya. padahal kalo dipikir-pikir, orang paling miskin di Indonesia pun bayar pajak. ketika orang miskin itu beli sabun mandi, odol dan banyak kebutuhan primer lainnya, harga yang dibayarkan sudah termasuk hitungan pajak.
realitas di lapangan, orang dapetin minyak tanah dan gas aja susah, pendidikan masih seadanya dan kalaupun bagus mahalnya minta ampun, banyak sekolah yang rusak berat dan fasilitasnya minim, layanan transportasi masih buruk, pengangguran tidak memiliki jaminan sosial, sekalinya ada jaminan kesehatan buat orang miskin, pelayanannya juga enggak maksimal. yang bikin miris, pejabat negara dan wakil rakyat yang digaji tinggi dengan uang rakyat, malah korupsi.
seorang pekerja seperti saya, meski rajin bayar pajak, apakah ketika suatu saat nanti terkena PHK pemerintah mau memberikan jaminan sosial? semacam social security yang diterapkan negara-negara maju, yang dananya diambil dari pungutan pajak rakyat. apakah dengan mengajukan pencabutan npwp tanggung jawab pemerintah sudah selesai terhadap mereka yang tiba-tiba jadi pengangguran dan tidak perlu lagi bayar pajak.
kalaupun saya akhirnya mau mengurus npwp, terus terang, itu bukan karena saya merasa sebagai orang bijak yang perlu membayar pajak atau takut dibilang "apa kata dunia?" tapi karena keterpaksaan dan ketidakberdayaan. pasalnya, seorang pekerja yang tidak bayar npwp bakal dikenakan denda hingga 20 persen! daripada bayar denda segitu gede dan uangnya juga enggak jelas bakal kemana, pilihan terburuk adalah daftar npwp, meski uang pajak itu juga enggak jelas buat dipake apa aja. i am sick of it.
sebelumnya, manajemen memang sudah melakukan sosialisasi tentang 'penting'nya npwp, sosialisasi yang menjadi perdebatan panas dan seru. sampe tercetus pernyataan dari seorang teman bahwa pungutan pajak di Indonesia cenderung sebagai bentuk pemerasan negara pada rakyatnya. karena faktanya, mayoritas rakyat tidak menikmati banyak manfaat dari pajak-pajak yang dibayarkannya. padahal kalo dipikir-pikir, orang paling miskin di Indonesia pun bayar pajak. ketika orang miskin itu beli sabun mandi, odol dan banyak kebutuhan primer lainnya, harga yang dibayarkan sudah termasuk hitungan pajak.
realitas di lapangan, orang dapetin minyak tanah dan gas aja susah, pendidikan masih seadanya dan kalaupun bagus mahalnya minta ampun, banyak sekolah yang rusak berat dan fasilitasnya minim, layanan transportasi masih buruk, pengangguran tidak memiliki jaminan sosial, sekalinya ada jaminan kesehatan buat orang miskin, pelayanannya juga enggak maksimal. yang bikin miris, pejabat negara dan wakil rakyat yang digaji tinggi dengan uang rakyat, malah korupsi.
seorang pekerja seperti saya, meski rajin bayar pajak, apakah ketika suatu saat nanti terkena PHK pemerintah mau memberikan jaminan sosial? semacam social security yang diterapkan negara-negara maju, yang dananya diambil dari pungutan pajak rakyat. apakah dengan mengajukan pencabutan npwp tanggung jawab pemerintah sudah selesai terhadap mereka yang tiba-tiba jadi pengangguran dan tidak perlu lagi bayar pajak.
kalaupun saya akhirnya mau mengurus npwp, terus terang, itu bukan karena saya merasa sebagai orang bijak yang perlu membayar pajak atau takut dibilang "apa kata dunia?" tapi karena keterpaksaan dan ketidakberdayaan. pasalnya, seorang pekerja yang tidak bayar npwp bakal dikenakan denda hingga 20 persen! daripada bayar denda segitu gede dan uangnya juga enggak jelas bakal kemana, pilihan terburuk adalah daftar npwp, meski uang pajak itu juga enggak jelas buat dipake apa aja. i am sick of it.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A Corner of My Life
this is a corner where i sit now at the office, after our management again change the lay-out of the room by reason of making the room more comfortable. And it was the third times for us since we all moved to a new office about a year and half ago.
Lucky me,
i always get a good position, at the corner .....
the place that become a part of my life
where i race with the deadline
where i keep myself alone
where i put my idea into words
where i find some new friends
where i lost some old friends
where i chit chat with online friends
where i blog to blog walking
where i post this unimportant thing
Lucky me,
i always get a good position, at the corner .....
the place that become a part of my life
where i race with the deadline
where i keep myself alone
where i put my idea into words
where i find some new friends
where i lost some old friends
where i chit chat with online friends
where i blog to blog walking
where i post this unimportant thing
Cos You Are So Special Everyday
What's the news today? I am sure everybody now is talking about mother's day as we celebrate it every December 22nd. It's Indonesia Mother's Day. Some people considers it as a special day to give something very special to their mothers, even just a simple greeting "happy mother's day, mom" with a small kiss and big hug.
But when i listened to a radio program today, i learn something important about mother's day which become a kind of ' a ceremonial day' to show our love and affections to our mothers. The co-host of the radio program, Nuim Hayat who lives in Australia said, mother's day or any kind of 'big day' such as valentine etc, now tend to be commersialized.
He said that in Indonesia case, a country with its Muslim majority should not consider mother's day as a kind of special day cos Islam teaches us to always respect and remember our parents, specially mother in every beat of our heart and every breath we are taking. Islam put mother in a very high position so there is no one ceremonial day for mothers cos every each day is special day for them. Islam forbid to say 'ah' to our mom, ask us to pray for our parents and take care of them when they get old.
All women can be a mother but only a few of them can be a good mother.
"A man's work is from sun to sun, but a mother's work is never done. All mothers are working mothers and being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs, since the payment is pure love."
That's what the saying goes though today there many moms who choose to be a working mom instead of a full-time mother with various reasons. I must be lucky that i had a full-time mother. Words are not enough to explain how wonderful you are mom .... love you now and forever
"Rabbighfir lii wa liwaalidayya wa lilmu"miniina yauma yaquumul'hisaab, Rabbirhamhumaa kamaa rabbayaanii shaghiiraa."
(O Lord, forgive me, my parents and Muslims in the Hereafter. O Lord, show mercy on them as they have nourished me when I was young.)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sepatu Termahal di Dunia
sepatu Muntazer al-Zaidi, wartawan Irak yang melempar Bush dengan sepatunya, bisa jadi sepatu termahal di dunia saat ini. Karena sepatu itu sudah ditawar dengan harga 10 juta dollar AS oleh seorang kaya asal Arab Saudi. Kabarnya sepatu itu bakal dipajang di Museum dan dijadikan "lambang pembebasan". Wow ...
berita lengkapnya disini :
tapi ngomong-ngomong, sepatu "bersejarah" itu kemana yah sekarang?
*berita terkait (klik ajah di judulnya):
Al-Zaidi Disiksa?
Game Online, Lempar Sepatu Sepuasnya ke Muka Bush
Siapa Muntazer al-Zaidi?
berita lengkapnya disini :
tapi ngomong-ngomong, sepatu "bersejarah" itu kemana yah sekarang?
*berita terkait (klik ajah di judulnya):
Al-Zaidi Disiksa?
Game Online, Lempar Sepatu Sepuasnya ke Muka Bush
Siapa Muntazer al-Zaidi?
Perempuan, Sosok Bidadari Surga
Berulang kali saya menyusut air mata yang meleleh oleh dialog-dialog mengharukan tentang sosok perempuan bernama Laisa. Dalam beberapa hal, saya seperti melihat bayangan diri saya sendiri dalam diri seorang Laisa, yang membuat emosi saya teraduk-aduk dengan apa yang dialami Laisa. Meski dalam banyak hal saya tidak sehebat Laisa yang mampu memberikan pengorbanan tanpa batas, tanpa mengharap pamrih, yang tidak pernah berkeluh kesah dengan keterbatasan dan kekurangan dalam dirinya, yang tidak pernah membalas ucapan dan tindakan buruk orang lain padanya, yang begitu sabar untuk menjemput impian .... menjadi bidadari surga. Subhanallah ...
Salut dengan Tere Liye si penulis buku Bidadari-Bidadari Surga yang sudah mengisahkan dengan indah, kocak tapi penuh makna, perjalanan hidup sebuah keluarga yang penuh kehangatan, cinta kasih, pertarungan hati, kesuraman sekaligus kebahagiaan sebagai buah dari hasil kerja keras dan doa yang tak pernah putus. Terimakasih buat Tere Liye, yang mengakhiri kisah dalam novelnya ini dengan pesan yang "menendang" yang isinya tertulis;
Dengarkanlah kabar bahagia ini.
"Wahai, wanita-wanita yang hingga usia tiga puluh, empat puluh, atau lebih dari itu, belum juga menikah (mungkin karena keterbatasan fisik, kesempatan atau tidak pernah 'terpilih' di dunia yang amat keterlaluan mencintai materi dan tampilan wajah). Yakinlah, wanita-wanita salehah yang sendiri, namun tetap mengisi hidupnya dengan indah, berbagi, berbuat baik, dan bersyukur. Kelak di hari akhir sungguh akan menjadi bidadari-bidadari surga. Dan kabar baik itu pastilah benar, bidadari surga parasnya cantik luar biasa.
Bidadari-Bidadari Surga is a healing and inspiring novel, very recommended.
Salut dengan Tere Liye si penulis buku Bidadari-Bidadari Surga yang sudah mengisahkan dengan indah, kocak tapi penuh makna, perjalanan hidup sebuah keluarga yang penuh kehangatan, cinta kasih, pertarungan hati, kesuraman sekaligus kebahagiaan sebagai buah dari hasil kerja keras dan doa yang tak pernah putus. Terimakasih buat Tere Liye, yang mengakhiri kisah dalam novelnya ini dengan pesan yang "menendang" yang isinya tertulis;
Dengarkanlah kabar bahagia ini.
"Wahai, wanita-wanita yang hingga usia tiga puluh, empat puluh, atau lebih dari itu, belum juga menikah (mungkin karena keterbatasan fisik, kesempatan atau tidak pernah 'terpilih' di dunia yang amat keterlaluan mencintai materi dan tampilan wajah). Yakinlah, wanita-wanita salehah yang sendiri, namun tetap mengisi hidupnya dengan indah, berbagi, berbuat baik, dan bersyukur. Kelak di hari akhir sungguh akan menjadi bidadari-bidadari surga. Dan kabar baik itu pastilah benar, bidadari surga parasnya cantik luar biasa.
Bidadari-Bidadari Surga is a healing and inspiring novel, very recommended.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Why Shoes to Mr President?
i wonder what it will be ... if the shoes of Muntazer al-Zaidi, a reporter for the Cairo-based Al-Baghdad television were landed in Bush's forehead. I can't imagine Bush's face will be black and blue .... but why shoes?
The sole of shoes are considered the ultimate insult in Arab culture, according to AFP. Islamonline wrote, after Saddam Hussein's statue was toppled in Baghdad in April 2003, many spectators beat the statue's face with their soles.
The sole of shoes are considered the ultimate insult in Arab culture, according to AFP. Islamonline wrote, after Saddam Hussein's statue was toppled in Baghdad in April 2003, many spectators beat the statue's face with their soles.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Lafaz Allah di Langit Makkah, Subhanallah ...
Subhanallah, Allahu Akbar ... merinding, bergetar hati saya membaca laporan rekan saya (reporter Eramuslim) yang saat ini sedang di tanah suci menunaikan ibadah haji sekaligus bertugas meliput jalannya ibadah haji. Ketika melakukan tawaf ifadhah ia dan dua rekan wartawan lainnya melihat dengan jelas guratan awan putih yang membentuk lafaz Allah di atas langit yang menaungi Masjidil Haram. Sayang, mereka tidak bisa mengabadikannya lewat lensa kamera karena memang di larang membawa kamera ke dalam kompleks Masjid Haram. Tapi Allah telah menunjukkan kebesarannya. Allahu Akbar ....
berita lengkapnya di
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Welcome to The World Aisyah ...
"Alhamdulillah, the baby finally come out" that was our first reaction when we receive sms from my younger sister said that the baby girl was born at 3 am, December 11, 2008. We all got worried when the baby did not show the sign to come out as the doctor's estimation that my sister will give birth on December 4 or 5.
But today we all feel relieved and i can see a big smile, especially in my sister family who set heart upon a baby girl cos they already have a son, Faishal. So now, Faish got a younger sister and i've got a new-born niece. Faish said his sister's name will be Aisyah Nur Azizah. Welcome to the world, Aisyah ...
But today we all feel relieved and i can see a big smile, especially in my sister family who set heart upon a baby girl cos they already have a son, Faishal. So now, Faish got a younger sister and i've got a new-born niece. Faish said his sister's name will be Aisyah Nur Azizah. Welcome to the world, Aisyah ...
Mereka Perempuan Tangguh, Saya?
... Suatu petang di yahoo messenger ...
temen: ass sibuk y mb
saya: wa'alaikumsalam wr wb
saya: gak biasa aja
saya: pa kabar pak ****
temen: hiii ada fotonya sekarang
temen: kabar baik.. alhamdulillah
saya : ih .. dari dulu kaliii
saya: sibuk yah
temen: ngga yang dulu tuh yang ngadepin mobil lewat,, melengos..
temen: g sibuk banget.. cuman kemaren kemaren emang banyak keluar
..... jeda panjang ...
temen: yah
temen: dia yang sibuk y
temen: y gph.. met kerja yak
temen: salamualaikum y
saya: lahhh ... masih ngambek ajah
saya: kapan nih mo dikenalin sama cowok Hamas
temen: lah.. kali aja sibuk..
temen: Kasian co hamasnya diblokade..
temen: kemaren tuh yang konferensi internasional, ga ada yang dari gaza
saya: yahhh selundupin kan bisa
temen: karena ga boleh keluar
temen: lewat gorong gorong ya
saya: iyahh
temen: hihihih
saya: kuat gak yah saya hidup di /gaza
temen: naaahhhhhh.. itu ... emang harus dipikirkan masa depan matang matang.........
temen: jangan sampai salah langkah..
saya: hehehehe
temen: ato sebenernya bisa sih. co hamas dari libanon or jordania.. sama hamas juga..
temen: matanya biru....
temen: badannya ateltis
temen: janggutnya tipis
temen: hwaahh]
temen: gubrak deh
saya: aduh ... bener2 cowok idaman tuh
saya: mau dong
temen: tapi diah pejuang.. tar jarang pulang ke rumah.. di medan perang terus.. trus sukanyah pake topeng ala ninja ituh.. pulang ke rumahnya sebulan sekali, setoran.
saya: emberrrr
saya: biarin deh
saya: asal jangan ketembak ajah
temen: ya itu tuh masalahnya..
saya: itulah ujian buat perempuan muslim ....hayahhh
temen: saya pamit duluan yak
saya: ok
...nyambung lagi chattingnya ...
saya: jangan lupa yah kalo ada stok
temen: ya insya Allah nanti ada mo cuci gudang.. stok lama gpp?
saya: jangan kelamaan
saya: keluaran tahun berape tuh
temen: yah ngga expire sih
saya: ahahahahah
saya: sipp lah
temen: mungkin expire nya bulan februari 2009
temen: huakakakkakaka
temen: dudut ah
saya: yahhhh
saya: hahahaha
temen: dah ya
temen: wassalamuaaikum
saya: 'alaikumsalam wr wb
sign out
..... mikir .....
Dari obrolan "asal" dengan temen saya yang memang sering ketemu sama pejuang-pejuang Hamas Palestina itu, saya jadi merenung, betapa tangguhnya para istri-istri pejuang di Palestina. Mereka harus siap ditinggal suaminya ke bertempur melawan tentara Zionis Israel yang menjajah tanah air mereka dan siap menghadapi kenyataan paling buruk suaminya tertangkap atau gugur syahid terkena peluru Zionis Israel. Belum kehidupan yang serba sulit di Palestina akibat penjajahan Israel. Saya belum tentu kuat hidup dalam suasana penuh ketakutan, kekhawatiran, kesulitan makanan, obat-obatan, tidak ada listrik seperti yang dialami warga Jalur Gaza di Palestina, apalagi harus ditinggal suami pergi berjuang yang belum tentu akan pulang dengan selamat ... udah nangis bombay duluan kali. Perempuan Palestina, mereka memang muslimah-muslimah tangguh.
gambar dari sini
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Festival of Sacrifice, a Reflection
We just celebrated Eid al-Adha or the Festival of Sacrifice, a religious festival for Muslims worldwide in commemoration of the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah (swt).
We all know the story of Eid al-Adha when the devil tempted Ibrahim for not obeying Allah (swt) to spare his son. But Ibrahim succesfully beat the temptation and as he was about to sacrifice his son, Allah (swt) intervened and instead provided a lamb as the sacrifice. Today all over the world Muslims sacrifice an animal (usually a goat or a sheep), as a reminder of Ibrahim's obedience to Allah (swt).
Unfortunately, wether we realise or not, we just conceive Eid al-Adha as a special moment to share with others by donating our udhiyah (animal sacrifice) wihout good knowledge of the significance of the "sacrifice" itself. That's why we sometimes feel the joy of Eid al-Adha just because we afford to buy a sheep or goat to sacrifice and to share the meats with poor people or the joy that we will receive the donation that make our freezer at home full with stock of fresh meats. In short, when the celebration is over, so is the joy and we easily forget the essence of "sacrifice" and to impelement it in our daily life.
does it ever cross our mind what our action wil be if we experience what has happened to Prophet Ibrahim? shall we sacrifice our child just like that? Actualy that what Allah (swt) teach us about sacrifice not only for human being but the most important to Allah as a test for our obidience to HIM. Are we ready to give up things which are valued or desired? are we ready to give up something for something else which is more important and urgent? are we ready to sacrifice our wealth, time, life, attitudes even fellings in our daily life? as we realise that everything we have in this world in fact belong to Allah (swt).
We need will and effort to turn toward Allah and to turn away from all which displease HIM. It all need sacrifice in our daily life not only on Eid al-Adha because sacrifice in our daily lives is the only real way to success in here in the world and in the hereafter. Insya Allah.
*an advice to myself
We all know the story of Eid al-Adha when the devil tempted Ibrahim for not obeying Allah (swt) to spare his son. But Ibrahim succesfully beat the temptation and as he was about to sacrifice his son, Allah (swt) intervened and instead provided a lamb as the sacrifice. Today all over the world Muslims sacrifice an animal (usually a goat or a sheep), as a reminder of Ibrahim's obedience to Allah (swt).
Unfortunately, wether we realise or not, we just conceive Eid al-Adha as a special moment to share with others by donating our udhiyah (animal sacrifice) wihout good knowledge of the significance of the "sacrifice" itself. That's why we sometimes feel the joy of Eid al-Adha just because we afford to buy a sheep or goat to sacrifice and to share the meats with poor people or the joy that we will receive the donation that make our freezer at home full with stock of fresh meats. In short, when the celebration is over, so is the joy and we easily forget the essence of "sacrifice" and to impelement it in our daily life.
does it ever cross our mind what our action wil be if we experience what has happened to Prophet Ibrahim? shall we sacrifice our child just like that? Actualy that what Allah (swt) teach us about sacrifice not only for human being but the most important to Allah as a test for our obidience to HIM. Are we ready to give up things which are valued or desired? are we ready to give up something for something else which is more important and urgent? are we ready to sacrifice our wealth, time, life, attitudes even fellings in our daily life? as we realise that everything we have in this world in fact belong to Allah (swt).
We need will and effort to turn toward Allah and to turn away from all which displease HIM. It all need sacrifice in our daily life not only on Eid al-Adha because sacrifice in our daily lives is the only real way to success in here in the world and in the hereafter. Insya Allah.
*an advice to myself
Friday, December 5, 2008
what happened sih?
i wonder why
recent updates from my contact list do not appear on my multiply inbox
is somebody outhre has got the same problem with me?
is there any problem again on multiply
or is there any problem on my comuputer system
i wonder why ?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Please, Excuse Me .....
Diapet, enggak mempan
Diatab, enggak mempan juga
sampe minum anti-biotik segala
Mau beli Biodiar,
ternyata stok-stok di apotik pada kosong
pada banyak yang sakit kayak saya apa yah?
gagal deh program penggemukan badan
padahal kemarin dah seneng banget
dah doyan makan
Diare ...
koq gak sembuh-sembuh sih
dah capek nih empat hari
bolak-balik ke "belakang"
Diatab, enggak mempan juga
sampe minum anti-biotik segala
Mau beli Biodiar,
ternyata stok-stok di apotik pada kosong
pada banyak yang sakit kayak saya apa yah?
gagal deh program penggemukan badan
padahal kemarin dah seneng banget
dah doyan makan
Diare ...
koq gak sembuh-sembuh sih
dah capek nih empat hari
bolak-balik ke "belakang"
Beli Mobil Hadiahnya Mobil, Keren ....
Ini mungkin cuma terjadi di Belgia, beli mobil satu dikasih hadiah mobil satu. Showroom-showroom mobil disana memang lagi berusaha keras menghabiskan stok dagangan mobilnya, makanya mereka menggelar program "BOGOF" atau Buy One Get One Free!
Kalau di Indonesia, program kayak gini paling cuma ada di departemen store dan itu juga paling cuma buat produk garmen yang gak penting gitu deh. Enggak mungkin kaliiiiii, ada showroom mobil disini yang berani nawarin Buy One Get One Free, kayak jualan combro.
Tapi jangan salah, para pedagang mobil di Belgia menggelar program "BOGOF" bukan karena mereka lagi baik hati loh .... selengkapnya baca ndiri dah ah di sini:
Ngeng ... Ngeng .... Ngeng .....
Kalau di Indonesia, program kayak gini paling cuma ada di departemen store dan itu juga paling cuma buat produk garmen yang gak penting gitu deh. Enggak mungkin kaliiiiii, ada showroom mobil disini yang berani nawarin Buy One Get One Free, kayak jualan combro.
Tapi jangan salah, para pedagang mobil di Belgia menggelar program "BOGOF" bukan karena mereka lagi baik hati loh .... selengkapnya baca ndiri dah ah di sini:
Ngeng ... Ngeng .... Ngeng .....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Feeling So Blue
life is always full of lots of ups and downs,
but there is no such the worst thing than
lost three friends all at once!
i maybe not so close to them
but all this time i see them around
hearing their voice
listening to them prattling
enjoy their silly jokes
we are laughing at
having lunch, chit-chat
doing things together
i really hate to say g'bye
but ...
this crazy global economic crisis
has made us apart
farewell my friends ...
believe that
Allah will give u
a better life today
and tomorrow
*remember iis, sheila and syar'an
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Three Hadiths, Thank Sis ...
i was tagged by my sister Maryam to find three hadiths. It's an easy and difficult job i think ( u must be confused with my languange ...), easy cos there are many hadiths that i just open my hadiths collections, difficult cos i have to translate it into English correctly to avoid mistake in meaning and interpretation.
here are the three hadiths i like the most ... cos they are short an easy to remember ... taken from Shahih Bukhari
1. about the gift
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "I shall accept the invitation even if I were invited to a meal of a sheep's trotter, and I shall accept the gift even if it were an arm or a trotter of a sheep."
2. to make the heart tender
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
The Prophet said, "There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) Health and free time for doing good."
3. about patient
Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."
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