Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Children are Children, They Are Innocent

UNRWA ( United Nations Relief and Works Agency) schools started a support program to help students in Gaza release the fears and post-traumatic stress after three weeks of Israel's brutal agresion. one of the programs is ask the students to write a letter to all the kids around the world. one of th
em write this in her letter;

“My name is Aseel and I am 8 years old. I have the right to live, study and play, but the Israelis took all of that away from me.”
(Press TV, Wednesday, 28 January 2009)

Aseel then looked up and asked
“Why do oth
er children enjoy their life, and we don't?”

children are children,
they are all the same everywhere ...

what is not the same their situation ....
but, they are only innocent children ...
why should we see this?


  1. When the childern cry, let them know we try

    when the children sing, and the new world begin

    Thanks for sharing, btw do you know the sites where we can read the chidlren's letters?

  2. Smoga perdamaian tercipta diseluruh pelosok dunia

  3. i don't know if UNRWA put the letters in one sites, but i take the sample from Press TV site ...:)

  4. Adults are innocent too, but children are something else...innocent like tears when the lips move and tears chokes...
    May Allah gift us annihilation of Brutal Zionism and Imperialism of Great Evil Inshallah.

  5. I wish people all around the world could read those letters so they would know what it felt to live in Palestina in a huge prison ruled by an apartheid, conceited, and heartless nation like Israel... Living in a stolen land, israel will never stop its brutality n violence until they drive out all Palestinians from the land
