Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chilli Peppers For Sleepy Drivers

Police in the southwestern Chongqing region in China has unique way to minimize road accidents caused by sleepy driver. They are supplying drivers with chilli peppers to prevent them from falling asleep while they are driving.

The Police at highway service stations have handed out a total 1.5 kg chilli peppers to drivers in just nine days. They started this idea after two sleepy drivers from Hunan asked the peppers to keep them awake. However, Chongqing is well known with its spicy cuisines so chilli peppers are essential ingredient in the region.

Chinese roads are the most dangerous in the world. Driving in China is like a game of chicken in the middle of the road with many vehicles coming. There are many big trucks refusing to give a way to smaller vehicles, switch lanes without signaling, driving down in the middle of the road at night and frequently ignoring traffic lights.

No wonder the deaths in road accidents in China is in the ranking first in the world. In 2008, there are almost 73,500 people died and 300,000 wounded in traffic accidents in China.

By handing out the chilli peppers to drivers, China is expecting to decline the road accidents caused of sleepy drivers. So, you may try it when you fell sleepy on the wheel.

source: Islamonline


  1. Nice tips. Is it useful for me when I ride my motorcycle?

  2. lol.. is funny but very informative.. thanks for sharing it ...

  3. Good idea to solving problem on the road .
    Thank you

  4. i think it also work for you when you ride motocycle ... moreover we can find chilli peppers easily here but be careful with your stomach ...:)

  5. ur most welcome ahmad and arsalan ... :)

  6. chilli peppernya diapain nih?dimakan gitu aja ato disemprotin di mata? hehehe

  7. kalo disemprotin di mata, bakal ilang ngantuknya selama-lamanya kali yah ...:)

  8. kaya-kaya dong pedagang cabe di sono hihihi...

  9. kayaknya sih gitu mbak ....

    pak kabar mbak Elly, sekarang lagi melanglang buana kemana?

  10. kabar baik. saya masih di pamulang len...

  11. alhamdulillah ... sukses ya mbak ...

  12. Stopping by to say hello.Hope you have a good weekend.
