Thursday, July 1, 2010


ketika risau mendera hati, yang ingin kulakukan hanya menulis tentang kerinduanku pada pelangi ....

i always think that people who see the rainbow are very lucky
for it does not appear every time the rain and the sunshine come at the same time
but i can't help myself looking up the sky when it rains without sun shining
hoping for a miracle that the rainbow will come up with its beautiful colours
with the bow-shaped at one end touching the earth and the other end going up the sky
like a big long arch-ladder to clim up the heaven
the last time i saw  the rainbow about three years ago
because i love the rainbow
i always long for its coming
touching the earth
touching the sky
touching my heart


“We may run, walk, stumble, drive, or fly, but let us never lost sight of the reason for the journey, or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way.” (anonym)

all pics are courtesy of my sister, maryam


  1. translit ke bahasa Jepang yah ...:)

  2. iya ya mba, pelangi tidak selalu bisa muncul setiap habis hujan. kemaren aja di gresik ada pelangi tp aq gk liat :( jdngiri ama yg cerita.

  3. pelangi memang indah....................
    Pa kabar Len? Sama lagi gundah juga nih....

  4. alhamdulilah mbak sekarang get better ... semoga gundahnya juga cepat berakhir ya ... yang namanya perasaan memang kadang susah diajak kompromi ...
