Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Corner of My Life

this is a corner where i sit now at the office, after our management again change the lay-out of the room by reason of making the room more comfortable. And it was the third times for us since we all moved to a new office about a year and half ago.

Lucky me,
i always get a good position, at the corner .....
the place that become a part of my life
where i race with the deadline
where i keep myself alone
where i put my idea into words
where i find some new friends
where i lost some old friends
where i chit chat with online friends
where i blog to blog walking
where i post this unimportant thing


  1. wah...kelihatannya nyaman Mbak...jadi iri nih...kalau aku selalu dapat tempat duduk di tengah...gak bebas and sering dengar gosip dari kanan kiri...pusssiiiiiiiing :-(

  2. di pojokkan juga bisa denger gosip-gosip ... makanya kompi di mejaku dilengkapi earphone ...:)

  3. kalo di foto emang keren mbak din ...:)

  4. rapih gitu ihh... *sambil ngeliatin meja kerja sendiri y berantakan*

  5. pojokkan yang penuh inspirasi ... hihihihi

  6. cozy place for senior editor. ;)

  7. Di tempat saya bertugas, mereka amalkan 5S -Sisih, Susun, Sapu, Seragam, Sentiasa Amal. Tapi hanya untuk mereka yang bertugas di bahagian admin. Tertarik juga bila mereka berupaya memanfaatkan kreativiti menggunakan kadboard dan polystrenes untuk penyimpanan stationaries dalam laci dan atas meja..

  8. wah hebat juga, pegawainya senantiasa diingatkan untuk beramal ... pengennya sih menyimpan semua buku dan stationaries tidak di atas meja, tapi di meja saya gak ada lacinya ...:)

  9. Nice.
    Its good. You think its unimportant things; but it is, indeed, not important now. Do you now tomorrow what will it be?
    The thing is that the last line gives a nice smile and thats good because it worth to read.

  10. thanks bro Musa ... i take your advice ...:)

  11. Rapi jali mejanya Lena...
    Mejaku jg dipojok Len, gak pernah rapi dari tumpukan tugas.
    Tp kalo ada gossip di kantor, aku sll jd orang terakhir yg mendengar.
    Mungkin krn ketutup bunyi berisik printer....:)

  12. pihak management nya pengertian klo mba lena suka mojok :D

  13. pan abis pindahan li, abis beres-beres, jadi keliatan rapi ...:)

  14. salam from my little corner to yours, lol

  15. my salam too for your little corner there, dear sis ...

  16. Nice neat desk mashaAllah. When I was working I liked the corner desk to lol but always got stuck in the winter lol

  17. no wonder that yer english is very cool
    the management officer must be good at it
    and i think, also you have many foreigners frens, sister??
    i dont think that u ve post the un important thing
    my corner of life isnt that good
    so, enjoy with it ya!! ^_^

  18. a corner ... it's good position that we can keep an eye on from the corner ...:)

  19. your comment make me smile ...:)
    yeah, i really enjoy it
