Monday, June 8, 2009

you are always on my mind

i hope everything will change as i start my work today. my emotion, my perspectives,  my the way of thinking though i do not expect much that i will see and feel a fresh and new atmosphere in my office. i still feel something bothering me as a human being who believes that God creates mankind with different background, ethnics, languanges and faith ! for a purpose and we should respect each other.

but i have to accept the reality, still there are some people hates other people based on their faith. some people claim others as infidels just because the differences on what they believe. a cold war is still going on and seems never end.  i think about it much on my a week-leave and i find that i just an ordinary human being who wants peace and unity of this ummah to face a big chalenges ahead. but i have no power to change the situation which is full of prejudices. i just can  say loud and clear that i won't be entraped on that hatred. Allah swt know it best.

anyway ... i am glad i come back here and meet you all my friend on my multiply ... thinking about you all make me strong and keep believing that there are many people in the world who are loving, caring and respecting people with its uniqueness and differences.

thats why ...  you are always on my mind ...


  1. pagii mba lena, tetep semangat ya meski ngadepin macam2 sifat orng :)

  2. Yes ,I agree, some people can't take hate from their hearts
    I am happy to know you my friend, may Allah always protect you

  3. cuma kadang ada yang fanatiknya bikin nyebelin ...:(

  4. Welcome back. It is so good that your off-week let you to know and understand your friends, thought and surrounding.
    This is the world we live in. I can just, as it refers to me, say that everybody should try to have a clean heart.
    Then nothing will be difficult and hatred.

  5. awww this was the sweetest entry sis.
