Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Out of Date !

when i open my friendster account, one of my friend with greatly surprise saying "Gosh, you are still using friendster? where on earth have you been ...?"

I am greatly amased with what he said to me and responding "what's wrong with friendster?"

He smiles and says, "today is the era of facebook. everybody turn to facebook. friendster has left behind. it's out of date!"

"hmmmm ... oic,"  i answered without any enthusiasm.

that's a conversation between i and my friend a few months ago before i start trying facebook, a social networking website which exist since 2004. Many people invite me through email to join this website but i was not interested at all because i don't recognise them. I decide to join this website when my old friend invite me, but still i don't pay much attention untill i found some of my old friend who connects with one by one, even a friend whom i don't meet her for such a long time ...

Now, i think i get addicted to facebook, using wall to wall comment as a medium to have a chit-chat with old friends. interesting ... though sometimes i feel facebook's layout is very crowded which make me confused to track the messages. But i should've thanked to my friend who say friendster was old fashioned cos i think it is.


  1. I feel the same confusion too, beside there is no place to write journal

  2. heheh.. aku masih belom tertarik.. JHWADUL bhwuanget dong ya?

  3. kasian banget friendster disebut out of date heheehe :D

  4. doohhh.. aku punya account FB tp koq ga tertarik yah buat utak-atinya *gaptek... btw, FS aja malah br aktif ria lagi gr2 banyak ketemu temen lama... biarin lah old fashion jg... hehheee...

  5. I really really don't know about FaceBook .... ketinggalan jaman kali yach ... !!

  6. lebih baik jangan tertarik, ntar ketagihan ... hahahaha

  7. siippp lah bu ... tinggal pilih mau yang mana ...:)

  8. coba-coba ajah liat .... tampilan facebook memang tidak semenarik friendster ...

  9. friendster yang katanya udh ketinggalan jauh... g ikut...
    facebook yang katanya lagi ngetrend... g ikut juga...
    aih... gaptek ya aku ini...hehehe ^_^

  10. hehehe, udah mendingan gaptek, daripada keduanya nanti mengganggu pekerjaan :)

  11. lenaa... aku baru punya FB dua hari lalu!! tapi gak sreg ama FB karenaa.. malas.. hahaha
    FS juga, sempet setaon nganggur.. terus.. setaon malah gak pernah ditengok hahahahaha....
