Thursday, October 30, 2008

QuoTe of the DaY

what i like to do when i sign in my yahoo messenger is reading the status of person appears online on my messenger list. sometimes their status make me smile or spark my curiousity that encourage me to send a message to that person.

Today, i read a very meaningful words which is put in one of my messenger list' status and the words goes like this:

"straighten goodwill out,  seeking popularity in this world is Big Zero in the eyes of Allah. Good deeds and knowledge with sincerity is the light on earth and heaven."

(Bersihkan niat, popularitas dunia NOL besar di hadapan Allah. Amal dan ilmu yang ikhlas adalah cahaya di dunia dan akhirat)

**** a contemplation


  1. hehehe, komen pendek yang penuh makna ...

  2. inna juga suka liat2in tags di YM..
    kadang isinya penuh curhat :-)

  3. He/She may get a big zero for this text. It may make him/her very popular.
    LOL, I'm kidding. It is representing some good values but in it's own way of translation.

  4. kerjaannya habis ya, mau tak kasih kerjaan gak :D

  5. maksud loh ? daripada chatting sama orang gak guna .... pan mendingan kerja ...hehehe

    *ambil dong sisi positifnya .... pagimana sih ... si bro ini :)

  6. status ym kadang menggambar suasana hati yah na ...:)

  7. tag gue most of the time 'eeeerrrrrrrrrr........'
    tandanya marah melulu ya bu? hehhe

  8. belum tentu sih ra .... 'errrrrrrrr' itu multi makna, hehehehe
