Monday, October 6, 2008

Hope ... it's Not too Late

to all my beloved friends …

thank you very much for your kindness to send me sms, e-card and or just drop a few words on my multiply guestbook to say Eid Mubarak 1429 H. i cannot relpy all your best wishes in time due to a vey slow and  limited access of internet at home  … and  i use it only for my works during Eid holiday.


today, i go back to work where i can enjoy a very fast and unlimited access of the internet to open my email and my multiply ( hope my big boss do not read this posting ) and i think it’s not too late (better late than never) to say :


Eid Mubarak to all of you,

please forgive and forget all the mistakes in the past

with the open and clean heart,

may Allah the most gracious the most merciful accept our fasting of Ramadhan,

may Allah blessings shower upon you

and may Allah give us a chance to meet Ramadhan next year …

let’s turn a new page as the month of Syawal begins … 




  1. maaf lahir batin juga ya mba... ;-)

  2. it's better late than never..
    happy idul fitri Mbak Lena..
    Taqaballahu yah Kariimm....

  3. sama-sama Inna, maaf kemarin gak bisa ikutan kegiatan baksosnya ... kapan kita mo ngumpul-ngumpul lagih ...

  4. sama-sama rahma, sampe bercucuran air mata nih ... gara-gara flu berat ...:)

  5. i lop u mba len,
    dapet salam dari geplak :D

  6. i luv u 2 diana .... gak bakal aku lupakan itu geplak .... tinggalin ya ....:)

  7. sama2 Lena..maaf lahir batin juga..:)

  8. aihh mbak Dina ... jadi miss u deh ... :( kapan yah kita bisa bertemu lagi ...

  9. Never to late my dear sister. I had a great Eid and hope you did to. Ameen to your dua

  10. thanks ummi ... alhamdulillah i also had a great eid with fam and friends ... cos after that i've got a bad cold ... still in recovery now ...:)

  11. InshaAllah you will get well soon. Everybody in my house has been sick lately to
