Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kata Mbah Surip "I love U full" Mr President ...

Negara-negara Barat seperti AS, Prancis, Jerman dan Italia menyatakan tidak mau memberi selamat pada Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yang hari ini diambil sumpahnya menjadi Presiden Republik Islam Iran untuk masa jabatan yang kedua kalinya. Tapi seorang Ahmadinejad memang bukan tipikal pemimpin yang gila hormat dan ucapan selamat. Dengan gagah ia mengatakan'

"We heard that some of the Western leaders had decided to recognize but not congratulate the new government ... Well, no one in Iran is waiting for your messages."

great mr Presiden !  pemimpin besar seperti Anda tidak perlu ucapan selamat dari negara-negara picik dan pengecut itu. tapi terimalah ucapan selamat dari saya .... semoga akan lahir pemimpin-pemimpin Muslim seperti Anda. I love u full ....:)

*Ahmadinejad 'not awaiting congratulations'*

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has sent a strong message to the West, saying he is not awaiting their messages of recognition or congratulation.

Ahmadinejad, who was declared winner in Iran's June 12 elections with two-thirds of the vote, on Wednesday took the oath of office at the country's Parliament in downtown Tehran.

"I, as the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, swear before the holy Quran and the Iranian nation and God to be the guardian of the official religion, the Islamic Republic and the Constitution," he said during the ceremony.

In his first address during his second term, the president struck a defiant tone at 'oppressive powers' who seek to deal with the Iranian nation through 'interference and foul language'.

"We will resist oppressors and try to correct the global discriminatory mechanisms in order to benefit all the nations of the world," he said.

Ahmadinejad also took a swipe at western powers, including the United States, France and Germany, for their refusal to congratulate him on his reelection.

"We heard that some of the Western leaders had decided to recognize but not congratulate the new government ... Well, no one in Iran is waiting for your messages," he said. "Iranians will neither value your scowling and bullying nor will they pay attention to your smiles and greetings."

source: Press TV


  1. wahh mbah suripnya kok bisa nyasar disini :D. tfs

  2. to much love will kill you.... ;)

  3. itu mah Bryan May bukan mbah surip ....:)

  4. seperti yang saya cantumkan pada kolom political view di akun facebook saya:
    "Ahmadinejad rocks!!"



  5. mudah2an om Nejad bisa sukses selama 4 thn mendatang..:)

  6. amiin ya robb alamiin ... semoga Allah swt melindungi pemimpin-pemimpin muslim yang teguh ....
