Sunday, August 2, 2009

"you so Obama" Means .....

Barack Obama, bisa jadi presiden pertama atau satu-satunya presiden AS yang namanya jadi istilah slang dalam bahasa Inggris Amerika. Jadi kalau kebetulan ke AS dan ada orang yang bilang "You so Obama" jangan sampe salah menangkap artinya ....

'Obama' a new entry in slang dictionary

source: Press TV

The sixth edition of 'UCLA Slang', which is published every four years, will be out this month and will include an entry under 'obama' -- a reference to the US President Barack Obama.

The book will be released by linguistics professor Pamela Munro and her students at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

The process of authoring the dictionary begins with students collecting slang from friends followed by a detailed analysis to make sure submissions are spelled and defined correctly, Munro said.

"Students learn a lot about grammar, language and linguistics," she was quoted by Reuters as saying. "You can study anything you want about ordinary language through the medium of slang."

The light-hearted book includes terms, definitions, parts of speech, sample sentences and notes on the etymology and origin of new slang, Munro said.

The dictionary supplies such words and definitions as 'presh', which means cute or precious. Other terms or phrases include 'fomo', or fear of missing out, 'schwa' for wow; and 'obama', meaning cool, as in "You so obama."

'Bromance' means a close platonic friendship and 'I.D.K.' stands for "I didn't know."


  1. So, they think he will stay cool forever huh !?
    But, I don think so. He is just stoned looking at Neo Con's mess.

  2. i wonder how americans take 'obama' as slang terms for 'cool' :)

  3. I'm not sure, but they might have been accustomed to harsh words of Neo Con's thing if they'd mean "calm", "unconcerned", "apathetic", "unemotional", "impassive"...
    In the other way, if they wanna mean "good, "it's OK", etc., then there ain't any objection

  4. hehehe ... it sounds cynical, but it could be true as they now might be confused to choose the right world for 'cool'

  5. I suggest them write like this:
    Obama : cool, good, OK, very good, nice,
    couse he is the president, and can't be cool, but is cool :)

  6. that's cool argument bro ... two thumbs up ....

    "you so Obama" means cool .... :)

  7. If I'm still not confused, you mean it means "good", don't you? because you said "you so Obama" and not "be Obama" that means be cold and unemotional.
    And that was the right meaning you've had in your mind from the beginning.
    By the way, you suggested we argue about it down there in my post. I have to say, it's nice of you. You are the initiator and you have more friends than I do, so it's better to be discussed here.
    I've put your link on my post any way.

  8. like anything trendy, it will only last for a short while,lol,it's not even cool to say cool in America.
    The honeymoon with Obama will pass.
    The fact that he's the first black president will soften people's reactions to some of his policies, they wanting to be"politically correct"in their approach.
    He has a lot to prove to gain any respect for me.
    ps, even if I was the coolest person in the world,pls don't ever say I'm obama,

  9. yeah, Obama has to prove what he said and what he promised specially after his speech to the muslim world in Cairo, Egypt.

    ps. i also don't let anybody say 'i so obama' though it means cool ...:)

    thanks for sharing your comments here, i think it's interesting to know other people opinion about this new slang of english american ...:)

  10. I agree with it too.
    They usually have to do some years of works in CIA if they wanna be a candidate for presidency. In best optimistic judgement, he might be a little different, but the reality says that they need him in order to cool down the possible potentially existing riots in the future in USA.
    But, his words ain't at least so out of humanistic values like the kinda craps Bush's were
