Thursday, August 20, 2009

... Ramadan in Me ...

a few months before ramadan became a hard months for me that really exhausted me phisically and mentally.

i cried enough, i was angry enough, i was confused enough that make me worried  will i  be able to welcome ramadan with whole-hearted and clear  mind.

untill now, with the remaining energy and hopes in me, i try to keep my believes and to bring my spirit back. so, in this coming ramadan, i dont have any  luxurious desires except Allah gives me a bit strength to go through this holy month with peaceful heart and mind, that Allah accepts all my prayers and forgives all my sins.

I know Allah will not leave me alone ... 

Ramadan Kareem everyone ...


  1. semoga kita diberi kesehatan oleh Allah, sehingga kita bisa menjalankan ibadah di bulan Ramadhan yang penuh berkah dan mencapai kemenangan pada Idul fitri nanti, amin

  2. Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa ramadhan mbak, mhn maaf lahir batin n smoga sgala masalah yg membelit bisa segera terselesaikan

  3. ramadhan is a month of opportunities, isnt it sis? He, ta'ala, has provided this excellent month for us to gain His infinitive blessing and mercy...may we all could give all we've got to gain the better status..amin Yaa Robbal alamin. ramadhan mubarak! :)

  4. First , we replenish our heart in Rajab and Sha'ban, and get ready to enter into holy month of Ramadhan as a guest to Allah. Seems like you are done with this part as you said you were worry about it.
    Then, you get into the Month of Ramadhan.
    When you fast or IMSAK(have less foods in case you aren't able to fast) in the Month of Ramadhan, you'll get more and more moral and spritual feelings and values day by day every day. Then, you'll get on the peak of these feelings and values on the nights before 19th day whole through the end of this holy month. These nights are the possibility of the night of measures and values or QADR(LAILATUL QADR), with the most possibility on 19th, 21th and 23th. So, you stay up till FAJR in those nights and pray, calling Allah's different but unique names(DUAA JOUSHAN KABIR). This is the night that Quran is sent to us, and angles and the spirit come down and say SALAM up till FAJR. You'll have such great feelings then that you wish Month of Ramadhan never ended.
    Don't forget me in your duaas.
    Ramadhan Mubarak

  5. Since my sun of existence
    was born into your universe
    my darkness in need of
    sweetcandle of your nurturing
    your cool flame bestowed
    on your beloved friend
    from secret whispers of
    hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakil
    Proclaim, o brave one
    my body can be burned into ash
    and ember but not this gift
    a light from your infinite
    presence and nearness
    O ramadhan of mercy !


  6. in sha Allah sis this Blessed month will refill you with taqwa.
    May Allah make this month the launching point of an easier year to come.
    You are in my duas,hugs sis

  7. thank my dear friends for the greeting, support and ramadan messages ... it's very thoughtful of you ...
