Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Contest 2" and The Life of British Muslims

I think Muslim in Britain will face more pressures and their life will me more tougher as British government finalized their new counterterrorism strategy with code name "Contest 2".  This strategy widen the extremist definition to those who hold views that clash with what the government defines as shared British values.

According to a draft of "Contest 2" British Muslims will be considered as extremist if they :

1.promote syariah

2 say that homosexuality is a sin
3.advocote caliphate
4.believe in concept about jihad the right of Palestinian to fight against the Israel's occupation of their land

6.failing to condemn the killing of British soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan

I wonder how can British government make such catagories for extremism. The strategy seems not to counter terrorism but t
o alienate almost two millions Muslims in the country who repeatedly complained of maltreatment by police for no apparent reason other than being Muslim.

Hope British government will review their new strategy and invite Muslim figures to discuss it before it puts into effect next month or Muslims will again and again become a target of an unfair and unilateral policy made by western countries. However, Britain needs much support from Muslim society to fight against extremism.

souce: islamonline


  1. padahal muslim inggris penyumbang pajak terbesar no dua..:(

  2. hmmmmmmmm I wonder if the Evangelical church leaders who also agree with no 2 will be classified as extremists.

    The so-called 'Prevent' agenda is a complete farce. Foreign policy is what's making people angry, not the fact that we don't have Sharia courts etc in the UK. But the government refuses to acknowledge that.

    Gaza was an eye-opener for a lot of apathetic Muslims in the UK. I think they realise now that Muslim lives are worth nothing. I hope this spurs on the future generation to become more active in civic society to ensure that they can play their part in preventing such atrocities from happening again.

  3. Oh God, we are muslims. as a muslim we have to believe the concept about jihad. So, if we believe it, they call us extremist? How can it happen?
    Islam is beautiful if we know it deeply.

  4. mmm what about all the Christians that also believe in Palestine's right to exist?, condemn homosexuality and the invasion of Iraq, will they be considered extremists too???
    The definition of freedom of expressions in our liberal countries,seems to apply to certain groups only.

  5. Of course we do professeur futur ministre des affaires etrangeres du Canada et le monde entier.
    Thanks for your reply this morning.

  6. Anything can happen Miss Indonesia.
    Life is short but beautiful, so are you sweety.

  7. Salam,
    Here we are again: no democracy, no freedom of speech but double standards and proaganda spreading hatred among human beings because Allah (God) made us "different", while some don't stop kowtowing people. To the latters I say please spare us your soft soap and get involved in the business or disapear.There is an Arab proverb which says: "Feels the heat of the embers only who has been burnt". What else...

  8. good morning Lena,
    have a great and beautiful day.
    Are you also a teacher?

  9. as long as i know, there is also Islamic bank in UK, i don't know by this new strategi the bank will also considered as extremist or not. that's really ridiculous strategy, isn't it.

  10. i think they just play blind eyes ...

  11. How are the twins doing this fine day...

  12. The picture is a picture of the unknown.Think about it for a minute,The British are Prim and Proper so to speak.They are having a hard time adjusting to Muslin Practices,peaceful yes but to them threating.Maybe the police should hire Muslins into there ranks,that way they might have a better understanding.

  13. if i am not mistaken there some police officer in British but i dont know why there is still 'misunderstanding' ...:)

  14. LoL Well I was looking at your photo and there are two fo you..
    If they have Muslins on the Police Force then why are they standing there..Strange way to act when all they are doing is praying.

  15. i am not twin ...:) i made it twins in photoshop ...:)

  16. May Allah protect Muslims every where specially in such prejudious and actually none democratic society like Britain.
    But, Britain will be the final looser Inshallah, and these acts are a sign of It's weakness.
