Monday, February 23, 2009

... my little mujahidah ...

my little mujahidah

the words seem not enough
to describe ...
how wonderful you are
before my eyes ...

you bring gladness
in my sadness
you put a smile
in my restlessness
you give hopes
in my hopelessness
you send loves
in my emptiness

my little mujahidah

let the flower bloom
let the rain pour
let the wind blow
let the rainbow arch
let the moon radiant
let the stars sparkle
let the sun shine
let the them all know

that you are
my little mujahidah
who will conquer the world
with your affection
with your noble heart
with your pride on your faith
and your deen
... Insya Allah ...

(dedicated to my nieces salma and aisyah)


  1. (lol) Aku juga punya keponakan. sudah kelas 2 anak adikku. pintar n cantik juga. Aisyah semoga secerdas siti aisyah, istri Rasulullah. Salma, aku belum kenal tokoh zamannya Rasul yang bernama Salma. Jadi, semoga secerdas Aisyah juga.TFS

  2. amiin, thank buat doanya tante ...:)

  3. Bismillahi Masya Allah..
    Moga sholehah semuanya..
    Penyejuk mata ayah bundanya
    Penghuni jannah nantinya..

  4. lucu banget...itu yang lagi tidur nyenyak banget yah...semoga doa tante lena dikabulkan Allah. amin.

  5. MashaAllah so sweet and they are very pretty mashaAllah

  6. amiin ... terima kasih tante devi ...

  7. wonderful.
    Beautiful written.
    I enjoy reading it.
