Thursday, February 19, 2009

... QuoTe of the DaY...

... Bismillahirohmanirohim ...

Meditation in God is my capital.
Reason and sound logic are the root of my existence.
Love is the foundation of my existence.
Enthusiasm is the vehicle of my life.
Contemplation of Allah is my companion.
Faith is the source of my power.
Sorrow is my friend.
Knowledge is my weapon.
Patience is my clothing and virtue.
Submission to the Divine Will is my pride.
Truth is my salvation.
Worship is my habit.
And in prayer lies the coolness of my eye and my peace of mind.
***ascribed to Ali (radiAllahu anhu)***

Jummah Mubarak and happy weekend to you all
with the blessing of Allah


  1. Definition: "As God has willed" -- this phrase is used when admiring or praising something or someone, in recognition that all good things come from God and are blessings from Him.

  2. Dennis, ask about it! My sister, Maryam, will be happy to answer.

  3. A very nice memorable quotes of the day. thanks

  4. subhanallah. no wonder sayyidina amiral mukmininali ibn abi thalib is recognized "as the peak of eloquence". all words came from His holy mouth have always been full of good lessons. may Allah bless him.

  5. Salam Lena,
    Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim. Subh'an Allah, you said the "truth" and it's so sweet Masha Allah. Thanks for these quotes and Jummua'h Mubarakah.
    PS.If you wanna know why some of my writing is in BOLD just ask sister Maryam. (LOL).

  6. Saharaman, sorry if i am laughing now. I do understand what you mean. (lol)

  7. why?what's with the bolding thing? how did u do that saharaman? that's pretty cool. lol.

  8. the words that are in bold are the correct spelling in arabic, we tend to misspell a lot of words, so saharaman has been graciously correcting some common mistakes, using the proper arabic spelling

  9. o i, i did so many misspells then. lol.
    thanks for letting us know it saharaman..

  10. ur most welcome bro ... and thank for the correction ...
