Thursday, January 29, 2009

a MaN BeHinD HiS KeFfiYeH

a man behind his keffiyeh ...

the world stand still when he walk
the wind a sotf breeze when he talk
the sun shines so warm when he eyes

a man behind his keffiyeh ...
never see ur smile behind it
i can only hear the voice,
a voice of freedo
i can only cast a glance at your eyes,
 the eyes of courageous man

a man behind his keffiyeh
a man of sacrifice
a man of fight
a man of struggle for his homeland
but still he is a man
with darling and loving heart

a man behind his keffiyeh
alone standing there
stare down the homes
that fallen down in debris
suffering from the lost
the loveones of everything

a man behind the keffiyeh
i see you alone with all these pains
i try calling your name, you are quite
i try touching your shoulder, you're motionless
i try looking into the eyes, you're anaware of
i try whispering to your ear, you're unconcerned

but then i know ...
i do not come insight
i am not alive
i am not in the world you walk in
 for i can only see my man
behind his keffiyeh

from far apart ...


  1. Tau gak, kalo wajah2 di balik kafiyeh itu guanteng2 banget.
    Sebab satu diantara empat syarat menjadi anggota brigade Izzudin Al Qossam
    wajahnya harus agak keyahudi2an.

    * Film ttg mereka diputar di KAZI Ahad kemarin*

  2. lha, bukannya orang-orang Hamas emangnya ganteng dan bening, liat ajah Haniyah sama Misyaal ... hihihi
    makanya sampe terinspirasi bikin puisi ini :)

    *bening, munkin karena keimanannya kali yah ...

  3. Kafiyeh ba'da Arafat wafat sekarang jadi mode ya, baik untuk perjuangan juga bagi seleb. Sampai ada film Indonesia : Perempuan Berkalung Sorban.

  4. dah nonton filmnya yah ... bagus gak? punya VCDnya, boleh pinjem? :)
